Liivi Muuseum
Rupsi küla, Peipsiääre vald, 60223 Tartumaa, Estonia
Phone +3725144851
June, July, August Mon. – Sun. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sept. – May Tue. – Sat. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
NB! Closed on public holidays
Adult 5,00 / Student, retired 4,00 / Family 12,00
Guided tour in English 30,00
What to see?
Liiv Museum was a homeplace of Juhan Liiv (1864-1913), one of the greatest Estonian poets. His poetry has been compared with Garcia Lorca, F.Pessoa and T.S.Eliot. Liiv wrote existential-patriotic poetry and intimate nature lyrics which have had a great impact on Estonian people. A major part of Juhan Liiv´s literary art is directly associated with this spot.
The permanent exhibition “If I were a Poet” introduces thoroughly Liiv’s life and work.
The historical open-air exposition of the museum with its three buildings – a barn-dwelling, where the poet lived, a smoke-sauna and a storehouse – gives the rural atmosphere of the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.
Several temporary exhibitions are displayed in the museum during the whole tourist season.
Permanent exhibition on Kodavere parish introduces the culturally diverse area. It gives both temporal and thematic survey of the region which has been and still is the borderland between the eastern and western cultures. Museum visitors become better acquainted with the different ethnical groups that had a great role to play in the formation of the population and lifestyle in Kodavere area.